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American Ringtail Cat

Friday, May 31, 2013

American Ringtail Cat are large - to medium- sized cats that carry their tails curled  over their back. the first third of the tail should be upright and then it should fall over but not such that it is tightly curled. It is expected that most color and pattern will be acceptable in the breed. All eyes color are accepted.

1 comment

  1. Hi, I adopted my ringtail cat in Crete, Greece, three years ago, so actually she is both an Aegean cat - the world's oldest breed of cats - and a ringtail cat. She was then a semi-feral kitten, sick with cat flu, parasite ridden and the sole survivor of her litter. It took me some time to socialize her and she is now very healthy. She has a big personality and is dominant. She used to bite a lot at play and I taught her to play gently by saying 'shhh' when she was rough. I would also blow in her face and stop playing with her when she ignored my warning. She now bites for fun very gently without hurting me and is a true pet. She's very smart and affectionate. Her tail is amazing: it's very strong and almost prehensile. She curls it around my arm when I'm petting her. Like other people mentioned regarding their ringtail cat, mine is also very talkative. Jasmine even imitates me when I say 'bon-jour' to her in the morning and does 'meow-meow', like it's a two-syllable word. I'm so happy I have her!
